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One night when I was sleeping my deepest sleep, the devil descended upon me and offered me a proposition. Before he started he said, “here is the deal, you have to choose me instead of god to be your savior”. He seemed serious and I was interested in his proposition. I said to the devil, “ it all depends on the proposition you offer. I am like a prostitute, for enough money I will do anything”.
The Devil continued…..
Devil: I will make you feel loved by the whole of the humanity, I will give you true love which you cherish so much!
Me: Will everybody love me for no reason, will I abide in the hearts of strangers, will I feel absolutely unity with my love, where there is no question of “you” and “I” but only “we” exists as a single entity?
Devil: yes
Devil: I will make you the most intellectual person of the world, , all the knowledge will be in you!
Me: Will I know answer to everything that is to know, will I not struggle to get answers to the deepest questions of life, will I lead a life of all knowing in this ignorant world?
Devil: Yes
Devil: I will make you the happiest man of the world, full of joy, full of self-confidence and without any doubt or fear!
Me: Will I be able to do anything I like, without any hesitation without any fear, will I never experience insecurity, will I stand among the bravest man of the world?
Devil: Yes, much higher then the bravest of them!
Devil: I will create greatest friendships and relationships for you!
Me: Will I have no doubt on any of my friendships anymore, will I know that I have full support of all the –ships, will I never have to worry that somebody will leave me alone ?
Devil: Yes
Devil: I will make you achieve any goal you set your hearth upon, you will be the best in anything you touch.
Me: Will I never fail or lose a challenge, will I not know what is disappointment ever, will I never shed tears of failure because I wanted it so badly.
Devil: Yes
Devil: I will create paradise for you everywhere you go, you will experience eternal peace and pleasures in any directions your feet set off!
Me: Will I never be bored again, will I always have fun and experience enjoyment, will I never feel depressed or unhappy, will I not wonder how it would be if I had more?
Devil: Yes yes
Devil: I will make you the healthiest man of earth, you will not experience old age, you will enjoy eternal youth.
Me: Will I not even grow one day older for all the eternity, will no cell in my body die or decay, will I not experience decease’s of any kind, will I be for eternity attractive healthy and youthful, will I not experience death, pain or misery?
Devil: Yes yes yes
“Choose now or remain silence for all it’s eternity”, the devil vanished after these last words.
Proposition of the devil