The 4-hour workweek

A great book, Tim talks about new concepts of business; he talks about the difference between the old type of businessman and the new rich person. One of the great insight  I had from reading this book was  that we have to  separate your time from our income. That means we have to think business in term of systems  which will  run automatically without  our active participation.  So the money is flowing in and we still have lot free time to do things we really want to do.  We do not need to ”work” for  our money, because we have set up systems.

Tim gives a radical new way of earning and living, his approach to simple everyday things  is also quit different then the most writers.

He also describe certain challenges in his book to get us out  of our comfort zone. That means doing things we don’t feel so comfortable doing. Here are some  example of the challenges in the book:

1. Lay down on the ground in a very crowded place for 10 sec
2. Ask the number of man/women you like in public  places.
3. Try to get 50% discount on everything you buy.

It will be a little embarrassing but hey what else is new.


Tiger philosophy lesson 142: The art of love!

The very base of true love is nourished out of self-love. Can we truly give something to others what we do not possess our self? Can a bagger really provide to those who are in real need? The more one has the more one can give away, the more one becomes the more one can lead the way.

Self-love start with fully accepting our self at the physical level. This has nothing to do how the world perceives us how the others look at us and how the mirror images us. This is you accepting your perfect self.

Start accepting your face, head, hairs, brows, eyes, nose, teeth’s, mouth, lips, ears, chin, neck, shoulders, breast, arms, hands, belly, hips, butt, genitals, legs, feet’s, look at everything about your body, look at your weight, length, body smells, all the shortcoming all the handicaps all the deformations of your body, look at them part by part and except them fully as they are.

There is no question of beauty or ugliness here, this is beyond the judgment of the perceiver. You may be bold or have long hair, you may be thin or very fat, you may be young or very old, whatever you are, you are absolutely perfect.

Path towards true love starts with self-love. Self-love starts with accepting oneself. Accepting oneself starts at the outer edge of our being that is our physical body.

This may sound unpractical to many, but in our neurotic society we believe that we need to be/do something to accept ourselves. We are learned to be ashamed as we are, we are learned to disapprove our self.

I heard one’s a mother whispering into the ears of her deformed child, “I love you for you, you are my best and absolutely perfect creation ever”.

I accept myself that only qualifies me to accept the other!

The art of love!

Your Erroneous Zones

Your Erroneous Zones is a true master peace. This book talks about how we have become neurotic in our thinking. Out of control human beings, who are blaming and putting responsibility for there life outside them self.

Wayne’s main message is, whatever is happening in our life it is the result of choices we have made till so far. Our emotional health is the result of responsibility we have taken till so far for our life.

Wane Dyer talks about the no limit person (NLP). The NLP has certain qualities. First of all he does not give responsibility of his life to anybody else except him self. Second the quality of happiness of the NLP comes out from him self, it is not referenced to anything outside him self. The third quality of NLP is, he does what he chooses to do, and he is not immobilized, by what the others will think of him, whether is it is right or wrong, whether he can do it or not, he does not make excuse for him self. He has an authentic confidence in him self and his thinking to live an authentic life that is a life he really desires to life.

You maybe interested to know, that Wayne Dyer is one of the pioneers in the (attention creates reality) movement. The movie secret is also inspired by Wayne Dyer’s philosophy.

Onbegrensde Mogelijkheden

A book which I got as my birthday present. It is a nice read, with lot of historical details. Not the type of book I would choose, but if it is written by Richard I am ready to read it. In this book Richard describes his passion for flying. The risks and sacrifices men have made to come so far and the vision one must have to create  things which seems ridiculous at a certain moment in time. 

He takes us  through the evolution of  aircrafts from the very beginning till now. He describes  in big detail his biggest passion for flying air balloons.

One of the most exciting things where Richard is working on is the “Virgin Galatic” project. Just within few years it will be possible for us to make a relative affordable journeys into  the space.  Where we can experience weightlessness,  the beauty and vulnerability of earth in first hand.


Tiger philosophy lesson 141: Who am I?

Who am I? who am I? Who am I? WHO am I? who AM i? who am I? who AM I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I?

MEIN KON HUN? MEIN KON HUN? Mein KON hun? Mein kon HUN?  Mein KON HUN 

WHO AM I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I? Mein kon hun?  Mein kon hun?  Mein kon hun?  Mein kon hun?  Mein kon hun? Mein kon hun? Mein kon hun? Mein kon hun?  Wie ben ik? Mein kon hun?  Wie ben ik? who AM i? who AM I? Wie ben ik ? WIE BEN IK? WIE BEN IK? WIE BEN IK? WIE BEN IK? MEIN KON HUN? MEIN KON HUN? MEIN KON HUN? Mein kon HUN?

Mein kon HUN?  Mein kon HUN?  Mein kon HUN?  Who am I? who am I? Who am I? WHO am I? who AM i? who am I? who AM I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I?

Who am I? WIE BEN IK? WIE BEN IK? ? Wie ben ik ?  who AM i? who am I? who AM I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I? Who am I? who am I? Who am I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I? Mein kon hun?  Mein kon hun?  Mein kon hun?  Mein kon hun?  Mein kon hun? Mein kon hun? Mein kon hun? WHO am I? who AM i? who am I? who AM I? WHO AM I? WHO AM I?

Asking the right question!


CSA training

I have attended a great training for past 5 days. The training was based on how our experiences of youth keep on reflecting in a negative way in our adult   life.

Because of our early experiences in our youth we build walls around us to protect our vulnerable self.  When we protect our vulnerable self  we imprison also our true authentic self. This wall/mask/imago/ego  prevents us to create a deep connection with our self and with  people in our surrounding. Don’t be in an illusion that  we automatically have a connection with our spouses, parents, friends or lovers. There could be a physical connection but that is not what I am talking about.

This trainings primary focus was on, recognizing our patterns of behavior and releasing the emotions which are repressed underneath that.

The trainer of the training was mind blowing, I have seen many good trainers and coaches but this guy is comparable to none.


Tiger philosophy lesson 140: Love after first sight

At every new encounter  there is a new disappointment. At every attempt to discover somebodies world there  is an experience  of  deep emptiness.  Each and every time I feel cheated by the other,  from the outside they seemed so beautiful so promising so alluring.  From inside they are rotten, there thinking,  there  vision is so poor and outdated.

They have invested all there investment on the outside. It  looks  shining and promising from the distance but from inside they  all are  beggars bagging for their little happiness.  All they are doing is Running away from  Pain and time not knowing pain is inevitable  and the time will eventually outran them.

Maybe it is my own hollowness, emptiness, meaninglessness,  purposelessness, senselessness, ugliness, stupidness, pittyness  which is reflected back to me through  the other what I am experiencing in these moments of meeting  from moment to moment.

Love after first sight


The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho, describes in his books a story of a young boy. Who sets of to reach his dream. During the journey the boy learns to overcome his fears, doubts and learns to trust his heart and signs which are provided by the soul of life to reach his dream.

In short the book is about that we al have our dreams, which he calls our legends and we have to go after our legends, only by doing that we can give true meaning to our life, only by doing that we contribute to the soul of life, which wants us to be happy. Our dream/legend does not mean we all have to find a treasure which is hidden far away, but we must look for our own dream and be sensitive for the signs which are prevailed to us.

This books really has made me started think differently about my dreams. I have many goals but I am not aware what is my legend, what is my dream, what is my purpose in this life?

Tiger philosophy lesson 139: Official week against loneliness

It is said that 25% of Dutch population suffers from loneliness. According to my understanding 100% of us are lonely, depressed and are at the edge of insanity. The only difference in between those who really experience it and those who APPARANTLY don’t is the strategy they are using.

Why do we feel lonely ? Those of us who are not feeling lonely jet, have occupied our self with so much garbage that we never are really confronted with our loneliness. We are busy all the time, with our work, studies and our social activities. We have no time to get in contact with our loneliness. It is a strategy and a fear at the same time to avoid contact with our self.

If we would take away all our activities just for one month and bring us in a situation in which we are confronted with our self. Where we would be forced to look at the poor quality of our most important relationship, the relationship with our self. We would notice it is a marriage which has become suicidal.

For me it is not a small accusation on a society in which it is said that 25% of the people are lonely!

How can we feel lonely even when we are surrounded by 1000 of people continuously? It is like one loneliness is meeting other loneliness in all our activities. One of the root causes we feel lonely is the superficiality of relationship we experience. It is not so strange that we admire programs like“friends” , “sex and the city” and a like. They represent a higher form of superficiality with which we as society have started to identify. We need to look carefully at how we relate to each other. The quality of relationships at society level can only increase if we are ready to improve our relationship with our self .

If we do not increase the quality of relationship with our self we as society are bound to become lonely , depressed and insane.

Official week against loneliness.

(I am interested in your opinion about this tiger Philosophy, please let me know what are your thoughts about it)