Tiger philosophy lesson 108:

Recently I met a young man and a women. The young man had a great devotion in his hearth for his profit and the wholly scriptures. As I was listening to him, he was putting himself on very thin ice. Despite his true devotion to religion he was wondering what if everything which was thought and learned to me by the preachers, teachers, the parents and the scriptures only contained half the truth?

The young women had an opposite upbringing then him, she had grown in a very free spirited environment not a single scarf of religion or suppression had touched her. She wondered what if life described in the wholly scriptures provides a better way of living which leads to a more true and a happy life. What if instead of living in this free spirited mind you could devote your life to your religion your husband and family, could that not be more fulfilling and meaningfull life?

They both possessed a rebellious hearth in which they dared to challenge their own accumulated believes and challenged the circle of comfort in which they felt home.

The quality of rebellion, no main stream!

Tiger philosophy lesson 107:

Becoming a responsible person is taking responsibility for your situation, for your past, for your present , for your future, for your actions, thoughts and deeds. There is nobody to blame for anything accept you. A very brave hearth is needed to make such a statement, but this is the path for the brave hearted only.

At the same time set everybody responsible for everything they have done to you, they have said to you, they have thought about you. They may be your friends, teachers, strangers, neighbors, enemies, even your parents, confront them also with their responsibility or lack of it.

But In the end you are the final chooser of every choice you have made in your life!

Am I responsible?

Tiger philosophy lesson 106:

In my youth I went with some friends to an amusement park. I had spent all my money in the park. When taking the bus back, I did not have any money left for the ticket. The bus driver did not allow me to enter the bus, it was getting dark and the place was in middle of nowhere. No other friend had the money to pay, I was very young and very scared. Like an angel a stranger came to the rescue and paid the money for my ticket. I was then and still am at this day very grateful to him.

That moment laid a foundation in me for rest of my life in helping others who are in real need.

Be sensitive for those learning moments!

Tiger philosophy lesson 105:

Op een dag zat ik in mijn kamer luisterend naar de geluiden van de stilte. Heel geconcentreerd en aanwezig was mijn aandacht in dat moment, als een vlijm scherp zwaard, die elke impuls waar nam die aanwezig was in die ruimte.

Gefluister hoorde ik, aandacht luisterde ik, naar het gefluister. Zo hoorde ik de dialoog tussen de kaars en de wierook:
“Waarom brand je zo bescheiden, zonder licht, zonder warmte en toch brand je veel sneller af dan ik”, zei de kaars tegen de wierook. “Ik brand functioneel mijn doel in het bestaan is nog fel branden nog langdurig branden. Mijn schepper heeft me geschapen om de geuren te produceren wat de mens tot rust brengt. Jou heeft jouw schepper geschapen om te stralen en dat te verlichten waar de duisternis heerst. Zo is jouw rol anders, uniek net zoals die van mij”, zei de wierook tegen de kaars.

Zo gingen de wierook en de kaars door met hun dialoog. Plotseling was ik ontwaakt uit mijn diepste concentratie, nog was ik gevoelig genoeg nog alert genoeg meer om hun dialoog verder te volgen. Teleurgesteld was ik van die rijke maar kortstondige ervaring. Toch brandde een vlam van vreugde in mij die mij op een idee bracht van een ….

Tiger philosophy lesson 104:

Step 1: Write 5 successes you had in your life of which you are very proud of. This is to reflect and enjoy the successes you already had. It could be a holiday, your school, your friendship, your work, just anything you are proud of.

Step 2: Write down 50 things you would like to have/accomplished/done in coming 10 years, don’t limit yourself in your imagination. Just write whatever comes to your mind, a holiday to moon or a great relationship, A Ferrari or Fiat, a luxurious life or a relax life of a monk, just write down whatever comes to your mind.

Step 3: Write after each item, if it is a 1, 3, 5 or 10 year goal.

Step 4: Take the 4 most important 1 years goals and write down, why you want them so badly, the stronger the reason the stronger the motivation will be to achieve them. Write this in few lines per goal.

Step5: Write down what you need to become to be able to achieve these goals. Think of habit change, trainings, new adventures, whatever it may be. What do you need to “change” on your self to reach those goals.

Step 6: Write these goals at a place where you can see them every day, and start the adventure of achieving right now and here! Al great journeys start with one step at a time.

Creating the blue print!

Inspired by Jim Rohn.

Tiger philosophy lesson 103:

This year is almost over and the next will be over in a blink of eye. That is how futile life is, as they say it is just a matter of time!

Dutch writer ones described his wishes: I wish I had read more books, I wish I had visited more countries, I wish I had learned more language, I wish I had loved more women’s, I wish I had written more songs, I wish I had spent more time with family, I wish I had earned more money, I wish I had used my time more wisely, I wish I had enjoyed life more, I wish I had cared more for my health, I wish I had achieved more goals, I wish I had helped others more. I wish I had done more new things, I wish I knew my self. I wish ……….

What shall I try to achieve in 2011 and beyond? I asked the following questions in the open sky, the following answers whispered into my ears.

How far should I go? As far as you can!
How many books should I read? As many as you can!
How much money should I earn? As much as you can! How good life must I lead? The very best you can!
What should I try to be? All that you possibly can be!
When should I stop? Till the last ray of sun-light has reached your heart!
Why should I do so much? Why should you not?
How big should I dream? As big as you can!

Our happiness grows in the same proportion as our constructive and productive growth of our life.

The No Limit Life!

Tiger philosophy lesson 102:

When you are always busy you are radiating the following 3 things:
1. I am more important then you; very arrogant attitude!
2. I do not know how to manage my time; we all have 24 hours in a day!
3. I cannot switch from unimportant to very important matters!

There are people who are busy while cutting tomato’s and watching “Bold & Beautiful”.

Always have a calmness around you, say to yourself, “I have a full agenda but I am not busy”, people will take you more seriously.

Time management!

Tiger philosophy lesson 101:

End of the old and start of the new, there in-between is right space to reflect, adjust, reorganize and prioritize.

2011 will bring great opportunities for those with prepared mind!

It is true that life is present, that’s why start the preparation for the future out of the present moment.

The Past, The Present, The Future!

Tiger philosophy lesson 100:

When I have 1000 philosophies I will publish them in a book. The book will be called “The Tiger Philosophy”!

I hope that my philosophies will grow as I will grow, they will become more richer as I will become more knowledgeable, they will become more sharpened and authentic as I will mature.

They will reflect the world as I see from an objectively subjective point of view. Contemplating between good and evil, right and wrong. Taking the great variety and colorfulness of life into consideration. They will have more depth and passion into them, a great determination to express. Continuously trying to get to the debt of understanding as far as understanding allows it to go. They will try to touch the boundaries where words cannot express the level of experience they have undergone.

There is a deep relationship and a destiny to grow attached to me and the tiger philosophies, that is our curse and virtue at same time!

The first century!

Tiger philosophy lesson 99:

It is said that after every war humanity has become more civilized, more developed, more social and less barbarian then before. We need continuously heroes and villains to raise the level of human consciousness.

Parallel to every Hitler there will come a Gandhi into existence. Improving the human consciousness towards the level of the “ubermensch”.

The iterating process!